Friday 29 April 2016

Azure Management Models: ASM vs ARM

Notes from articles around the web:

* Azure Resource Manager and Azure Service Managment "Classic" deployment models are not completely compatible with each other. 

* To simplify the deployment and management of resources, Microsoft recommends that you use Resource Manager for new resources, and, if possible, re-deploy existing resources through Resource Manager.

The Resource Manager version of Azure PowerShell commands have the format Verb-AzureRmNoun whereas the Service Management version of Azure PowerShell commands have the format Verb-AzureNoun

Resource Manager added the concept of the resource group. Every resource you create through Resource Manager exists within a resource group. 

The Resource Manager deployment model provide several benefits:
- Deploy, manage and monitor Azure resources as a group
Deploy resources repeatedly
Supports creating templates. Templates can be created to include a set of resources to be deployed as part of a cloud solution
Allows you to define dependencies between resources so they are deployed in the correct order
Ability to apply RBAC policies to all resources in a Resource Group
Ability to specify "tags" to resources for programmatic purposes

Virtual machines deployed with the Resource Manager deployment model must be included in a virtual network whereas it is not so in the classic deployment model

Resource Manager is supported in all regions, but the resources you deploy might not be supported in all regions.

Both the Classic portal and Azure PowerShell version before 1.0 use ASM API calls to manage Azure resources.

If you use the Classic portal to create or manage Azure resources, you can only work with Classic resources whereas the new Azure portal at allows the ability to work with both Classic and ARM Resources.
Slide from the Pluralsight course Managing Azure IaaS with PowerShell 

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